
Showing posts from December, 2022

Corporate Social Responsibility revamp for bridging India’s wealth gap

Corporate Social Responsibility revamp for bridging India’s wealth gap    P Rajagopal Tampi Introduction Wealth disparity is one of the biggest threats to peaceful human existence . In India, where 50% of the population owns a mere 2.8 % of our national wealth, in combination with our gigantic population of 1.35 bn, the problem of wealth disparity should be center-stage.   The Gini coefficient of India has increased from 32.1 in 1983 to 35.7 in 2019 1 .Our wealth disparity assumes even greater importance considering that India will emerge soon as one of the top three world economies.  India is at the threshold of what could be a Golden era which could last for centuries if we are led by far-sighted, clear-headed leadership with broad vision, integrity, desire to win and long-term thinking. We have progressed from more socialistic mechanisms to more capitalistic ones during the last 75 years. It has do

Avoiding the Revolutionary trap of large wealth gaps in a capitalistic world

Avoiding the Revolutionary trap of large wealth gaps in a capitalistic world P Rajagopal Tampi Introduction One of the biggest threats to our peaceful human existence arises from wealth disparities around the world. Great wealth disparities in combination with extremely high debt levels create the fertile ground which have sparked several mass uprisings throughout the ages, the French Revolution (1789 ) and the Spanish Civil War (1936) to name a few. These occurred when the world population was 780 mn and 2.01bn respectively. That’s a far cry from the world population which stands at over 8 bn today. Just imagine what sort of loss of lives and destruction, wealth disparity-based revolutions would entail in todays world? Aided by the exponential growth in money supply and the multiplying power of Twitter and social media to communicate at scale instantly! Migration to the European continent of the poor from the African continent and elsewhere and to the US from Mexico and South

Concepts of Right action

Concepts of Right action                  P Rajagopal Tampi Introduction Right action is our response to a stimulus that is not coloured by any of our naturally endowed positive or negative qualities like jealousies, anger, vindictiveness, biases, likes, dislikes, life-conditioning and other such qualities. It is just the simple, correct, honest, appropriate, well thought out response required from us to factually satisfy the stimulus coming at us. It should only address and respond with integrity to the core truths and facts of the oncoming stimulus, nothing more, nothing less. Emotions, personal friendships, enmities and such aspects should not be involved in formulating our response. When our response is perfect, it can right a wrong, or meet the need, or sometimes gives just an honest answer to a question and it ends there. There are no follow-on repercussions, the matter closes. Explanation Imagine that the stimulus is like an electrical charge which comes at you. If y