
Showing posts from October, 2022

The one barrier to India’s coming Golden Era

  The one barrier to India’s coming Golden Era P Rajagopal Tampi What are the stakes involved for India? Since the end of the seventeenth century, India’s position amongst the leading global powers has deteriorated due to conquests and colonialization by England. Today, after many centuries, the Indian economy is growing fast and becoming globally relevant again. We stand on the cusp of entering a possible 300-year golden era and poised to become one of the top 3 global economies soon. We are also blessed with a supportive demographic dividend. What is the one factor which can destroy the chances of India reaching the highest peak and then staying there for the longest period of time? I am prepared to bet on the low levels of integrity of our citizens as that single “Damocles sword” factor. Our lackadaisical attitude, poor respect and obedience of the law, poor respect for fellow humans, corruption, lack of quest for excellence and quality, poor sense of accountability all are

Home Truths

  Home Truths It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad. - C. S. Lewis Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. - Gautam Buddha The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. - Albert Einstein When you act with true courage, true integrity, true desire to improve, true to helping others, to make our world a better place, you will find you are on a lonely journey. Have faith and steer the chosen path. The Universe will intervene to help you. -  Rajagopal Tampi We should enjoy all things without wanting to possess them.  -  Rajagopal Tampi I am true believer that our lives are largely engineered. You just got to do what you must. If it is not according to plan it will not succeed, w

UNIVERSALITY - Soul of the Universe

  UNIVERSALITY  Soul of the Universe P Rajagopal Tampi      The Dilemma of the Mind  Atoms, molecules, ions, particles Gazillions, uncountable A negative and a positive charge, attraction and repulsion Storing and building up of charge, depletion Groups of atoms, molecules, ions, particles All swirling, whirling, twirling in apparent randomness Within solids, liquids, gases, earth, water, fire, trees, fish, animals, birds, humans Transforming from one form to another Atoms, molecules, ions, particles, earth, trees, fish, animals, birds, humans Intelligent, less intelligent, not intelligent Motionless, slow moving, moving at thought speed   Charged particles, physical mass, heat, cold, transfer of energy, transformation, light, beams of energy at invisible frequencies, electro -magnetic Expanding, contracting, colliding, withering, exploding, attracting, repelling Decaying, prospering, living, dying, taking birth , beautiful, ugly Feeding, starving, strugglin

Why we should not be afraid of taking risks

Why we should not be afraid of taking risks P Rajagopal Tampi This is a true story of the initial risks I have taken in my second career and how they panned out in my life.  In July 1997, as an Indian Navy Captain, 41 years of age, I had returned to India from Nigeria where I had completed my tenure as the Defence Advisor at the Indian High Commissions in Lagos, Nigeria and Accra, Ghana. I had already put up my premature retirement from Service application seven months ago to Naval Headquarters. The Chief of Personnel, then Vice Admiral Arun Prakash had assured me that after a cooling period of three months in India, my premature retirement application would be approved by the Ministry of Defence and Naval Headquarters and I would be free to leave the service.  I waited patiently for three months. When the papers were not cleared even after three months, as is my wont, I decided to push my papers by myself. I was busy for the next three months pushing my papers till they were finally a